mercredi 9 septembre 2009

Pussy ist für alle da!

This is actually one of the biggest debate among fans - are Rammstein going too far with those Pussy videos? Or are they just doing what they always have done, from the very beginning, ever since the Bück dich performance to the Mann gegen Mann video?
This is a big question actually.
Because 1st, Rammstein have always wanted to unveil all taboos of our western society.
and 2nd: those taboos change with time because people and culture change.
In other words, what R+ used to do 10 years ago shocked people then - even if nowadays, they just make us laugh. This obsession with sex for example: it's present in many songs by R+ - from Das Alte Leid to Feuer und Wasser through Bück dich, Rein Raus, even Feuer frei and Reise Reise in some aspects. Why? Because the 80's (when R+ were young - discovering sexuality) and the 90s have had to face THE thing that prevented free sexuality at a time when Women's Lib and Gay Pride came to change the world against traditions and religions: AIDS. Talking about sex then was taboo for different reasons: no more because it was a way to say "no" to our elders (symbol of order, tradition, etc.) but because it was a way to say "no" to a hypocrite society.
And now? Things have changed - AIDS is becoming a real desease to fight like cancer - no more the flaw that gays or junkies "deserved". Sexuality is free again because of the stress put on contraceptive ways (young people belonging to our generation all know how to use a condom - which is not the case of 40-year-olds who were not born with AIDS like we were). In other words, sex is no more taboo, is no more prohibited as it has always been. So Rammstein have to face a change of perception towards sexuality when they wanna talk about their "favourite" subject. They have to deal with it differently.
Nowadays, you see sex EVERYWHERE: check out adverts for yogurts - or those for cars. See how the woman licks her lips with her spoon full of WHITE yogurt ready to be swallowed with sensuality. See how nice the model next to the car looks with her bikini on her suntanned body. I think that's what R+ means with Liebe is für alle da - remember the lyrics?
"So gut gebaut / so braune Haut"

To me it's obvious: they actually mean: "SEX (not really love) is there for everybody"

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